I am sitting in my room and looking down in to the valley. What a wonderful view that greets me each morning. I feel happier this morning than I have in a long time. I feel relaxed and at peace with the world.
The sun is shining and birds are chirping. It sounds a little like a episode of Mr. Rodgers. My mind has been reflective lately. Maybe because I have lived in one state for a whole year! While I haven't lived in one town for more than three month intervals. The ways of a wanderer have grown on me and In my soul I fell the wind pulling me to other parts of the world. I want to experience life outside of this culture. I desire to see others live their lives in a foreign way to me and learn to love that way of life.
I know in my head that God has provided for me here and I am thankful for that provision. I have a beautiful house, two jobs and great friends.
Partly I am afraid that if I stay here too long I will become complacent and never live anywhere else. I will remain my whole life in one city and will just remember the dreams I once had of going other places.
As I end this post this quote from John Elliot came to me."Wherever you are be all there, Live to the hilt every situation that you believe to be the will of God."
So while I am having feelings of discontentment, God is faithful to me. What a good reminder to be present where God has you. I will continue to work on being satisfied with where God has me in life.
Hey, I miss you. We need to figure out a new time to hang out. I'm happy for you and your own room, I know how much that means to you. I know how you feel with the urge to get out there, I get it to. Espically with living in a small town, but I know I'll be the most satisifed being in God's will, which is here. Praying that you'll always know where that is for you.
Love you, Rachel
Rylie said we should tell you that we love you!
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