Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Oatmeal, the homeless and friends.

I am really enjoying my time in Portland. Yesterday, my friend, Addison and I went to this cafe called Sip and Kranz. I got the best oatmeal I have ever had in my life. I also had a latte that was absolutely delicious. I went to my friend Karsten and Jon's house. They have this eclectic apartment. Most of their furniture is from a dumpster. We had tea and listened to good music. I am currently sitting in a coffee shop a block away from Addie's house.

Something to astonish those who know me I forgot to bring a book with me. Since I never leave the house without something to read this is a big deal. However addie's roommate Rachel lent me her book Under the Over Pass by Mike Yankoski It is about two guys who decide to be homeless for six months. They travel to six different cities spending about a month in each place. It is very interesting so far. It's a true story of two men who wanted to learn how to really live their faith and see how the homeless live. It gives so many examples of Christians who won't even look them in the eye. In their travels they encountered a man named George who the homeless people on San Fransisco call "the Jesus man". He came and brought pizza to the homeless. When asked why he did it this was his response: "I do this because my faith tells me to. The Bible clearly says, if you see someone hungry, feed them; if you see someone naked, clothe them. Those words weren't meant for us to make books and sermons about. They're written so people don't go hungry and naked. And they require action from all of Christ's followers, not just the rescue missions.... So I am trying to live my life that way and be pleasing to Jesus."
God has really been teaching about the excess in my life. Through not having a job, this book and God's word I have been learning that I live a privileged life. While I am not wealthy as some would consider wealth; I am blessed in so many ways. I have at most points in my life had a roof over my head and food to eat. I have more clothes than most and really amazing friends and family that surround me. Discontentment is something that sneaks up on you and taints everything in your life. I am learning as Paul did to "be content in all situations."
